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Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

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00 布丁卷涂鸦日记:卷卷初长成



出版日期: 2009.09

定价: 28.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-3081-4

页码: 140 尺寸: 210*190mm

图书简介: 布布丁丁是一对年轻小夫妻,布布爱烘焙,丁丁爱画画。六月的一天,他们接回来一只雪纳瑞幼犬,起名为卷卷,因为他全身都是小卷毛。从此开始了一段让人哭笑不得的奇妙旅程……随书附赠《我们的约定》(我和狗狗的十个约定)(法文版与韩文版权利已售,法文版已由PIKA2014年9月出版,韩语版2016年10月出版。)


Wan Wan Series:A Little Dog

Author: Yin Chuan

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2009.09

Price: RMB28.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-3081-4

Pages: 140

Size: 210*190mm

Brief introduction:

LiLi and DiDi was a young couple. LiLi liked baking, and DiDi liked drawing. One day in June, they adopted a schnauzer puppy called Wanwan as its frizzle all over the body. From then on, they started having a funny and wonderful living. Note: give Our Agreements (ten agreements of my puppy and me) as a present with the book. (French and Korean language copyright had been exported. French version was published in September 2014 and Korean version was done in October, 2016.)


01 布丁卷涂鸦日记:卷卷的世界



出版日期: 2009.09

定价: 28.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-3082-1

页码: 122 尺寸: 210*190mm

图书简介: 卷卷长大了,古灵精怪,惹人疼爱,它调皮捣蛋,不知疲倦,它跟床单进行着拔河比赛,它把沙发变成角斗场,它尿尿在家里的每个角落……给布布和丁丁惹来不少的麻烦,它用狗狗的眼光审视着这个世界,他爱着布布和丁丁,布布和丁丁也爱着他,他们喜欢一起生活。(法文版与韩文版权利已售,法文版已由PIKA2014年11月出版,韩语版2016年10月出版。)


Wan Wan Series:Wan Wan’s World

Author: Yin Chuan

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2009.09

Price: RMB28.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-3082-1

Pages: 122

Size: 210*190mm

Brief introduction:

Wanwan grew up. It was funny, lovable, naughty, and tireless. It played tug-of-war with sheet, took sofa as abattoir, and urinated everywhere in home, etc. It made so many troubles to LiLi and DiDi. It scanned the world with puppy eyes, loved LiLi and DiDi, and LiLi and DiDi love it too. They had liked to live together. (French and Korean language copyright had been exported. French language version was published in November, 2014 and Korean version was done in October, 2016.)





出版日期: 2010.08

定价: 28.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-3238-2

页码: 136 尺寸: 210*190mm

图书简介: 每个人都希望拥有一只最完美的小狗。你知道,当一只完美的小狗有多难吗?布布说卷卷就是一只伪装成小狗的小怪兽,爱撒娇、爱耍赖还有坏脾气。但是丁丁说,卷卷正是因为这样才更加可爱!随书附赠《狗狗驯养手册》。(法文版与韩文版权利已售,法文版已由PIKA2015年1月出版,韩语版2016年10月出版。)


Wan Wan Series:Go Wan Wan Go

Author: Yin Chuan

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date:

Price: RMB28.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-3238-2

Pages: 136

Size: 210*190mm

Brief introduction:

Everyone would like to have a most perfect puppy. But did you know how hard to be a perfect puppy? LiLi said that it was a lovely monster with a mask of puppy, acting like a spoiled child with little temper. However, DiDi said that naughtiness makes it cuter. Note: Domesticating Dog Manual as a present with the book. (French and Korean language copyright had been exported. French language version was published in January, 2015,and Korean version was done in October, 2016.)





出版日期: 2012.09

定价: 29.80元

书号: 978-7-5329-3843-8

页码: 138 尺寸: 210*190mm

图书简介: 《布丁卷涂鸦日记》系列丛书,风格清新自然、色彩温暖明丽。精美的画作让人爱不忍释。两位主人用细腻的视角描绘着狗狗的成长经历,古灵精怪的小狗卷卷,抓狂的两个主人布布和丁丁,闹腾到翻天覆地,却让你不由自主地微笑。只要在一起,小小的幸福就会一点点发芽。无论你有没有养宠物,都会情不自禁地陶醉在这个有爱的日记中。(法文版与韩文版权利已售,法文版已由PIKA出版社2015年4月出版,韩语版2016年10月出版。)


Wan Wan Series:Wan Wan’s Diary

Author: Yin Chuan

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2012.09

Price: RMB29.80

ISBN: 978-7-5329-3843-8

Pages: 138

Size: 210*190mm

Brief introduction:

The Wan Wan series,has pure natural style, warm bright color. The pictures are so delicate that one couldn’t bear to put it down. Out of perspective of host and hostess, it describes a little dog’s growing up, and brings you natural smile that a mischievous endearing dog, a couple of very interesting master and mistress, make it almost earth-shaking. As long as they live together, a small happy grow up bit and bit. Whether having a pet, anyone could willingly be involved in the diary of love. (French and Korean language copyright had been exported. French language version was published in April, 2015 and Korean version was done in October, 2016.)





出版日期: 2017.07

定价: 29.80元

书号: 978-7-5329-5470-4

页码: 140 尺寸: 210*190mm

图书简介: 将记忆永恒,原创绘本比照片更具发挥空间。作者尹川,国内知名独立插画师,与妻子和宠物狗卷卷一起,成为《布丁卷涂鸦日记》系列丛书的主角。两位主人用细腻的视角描绘着狗狗的成长经历,古灵精怪的小狗卷卷,抓狂的主人布布和丁丁,闹腾到翻天覆地,却让你不由自主地微笑。丛书为生活在快节奏的都市中的人们带来心灵的慰藉,时而开心快乐,时而生动感人的情节让读者的心里播下爱的种子。


Wan Wan Series:What do? Wan Wan

Author: Yin Chuan

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.07

Price: RMB29.80

ISBN: ISBN 978-7-5329-5470-4

Pages: 140

Size: 210*190mm

Brief introduction:

Painting is more room than photos to image. The author, Yin Chuan, together with his wife and pet dog, Wan Wan, became the series’ characters. Out of perspective of two masters, it painted a little dog’s growing up, and brought you natural smile that a mischievous endearing dog and a couple of very interesting master and mistress to make it almost earth-shaking. The series brought metropolitan people in quick living pace the heart consoling, which were the plots with happiness and delight sometimes and liveliness and moving sometimes, to seed the love in readers’ heart.





出版日期: 2017.06

定价: 16.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5476-6

页码: 160 尺寸: 155*200mm

图书简介: 本书收入6个主题词——“死党”“毕业”“超人”“白日梦”“灰姑娘”“拉拉钩”的精彩故事大集合。十多岁的孩子们,灵感迭现,活力爆棚,书写出独属于他们的活泼飞扬、忧伤透明的成长故事、奇幻故事、搞笑故事等,很多更是他们人生路上的第一次珍贵创作,显示出他们的活跃美妙的写作才华和文字创造天性。阅读这些烂漫故事,跳入到十多岁孩子们的文字旋转魔力和故事奇思妙想中去吧。


Come Across The Angel and you

Author: Yu Yujun

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB16.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5476-6

Pages: 160

Size: 155*200mm

Brief introduction:

The collection has six themes, wonderful stories, including close friend, graduation, superman, daydream, cinderellas, and promise. Under inspiration again inspiration, energy again energy, teenagers created many stories such as growing, bizarreness, amusing and so on, which belong to their breeziness, and belong to their sadness and optimism. Main of those bright colored stories with lovely splendid writing talent and creating nature, which are teenagers’ language gyrating glamour and imagination, were the children’s first precious creating.





出版日期: 2017.06

定价: 16.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5477-3

页码: 160 尺寸: 155*200mm

图书简介: 本书收入6个主题词——“死党”“毕业”“超人”“白日梦”“灰姑娘”“拉拉钩”的精彩故事大集合。十多岁的孩子们,灵感迭现,活力爆棚,书写出独属于他们的活泼飞扬、忧伤透明的成长故事、奇幻故事、搞笑故事等,很多更是他们人生路上的第一次珍贵创作,显示出他们的活跃美妙的写作才华和文字创造天性。阅读这些烂漫故事,跳入到十多岁孩子们的文字旋转魔力和故事奇思妙想中去吧。


My Princess Friend

Author: Yu Yujun

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB16.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5477-3

Pages: 160

Size: 155*200mm

Brief introduction:

The collection has six themes, wonderful stories, including close friend, graduation, superman, daydream, cinderellas, and promise. Under inspiration again inspiration, energy again energy, teenagers created many stories such as growing, bizarreness, amusing and so on, which belong to their breeziness, and belong to their sadness and optimism. Main of those bright colored stories with lovely splendid writing talent and creating nature, which are teenagers’ language gyrating glamour and imagination, were the children’s first precious creating.




出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.06

定价: 16.00元 书号: 978-7-5329-5478-0

页码: 160 尺寸: 155*210mm

图书简介: 哥哥是那个带给我们细碎温暖和坚强力量的人。《九又二分之一的幸福》中的哥哥虽远在大洋彼岸,却始终点缀着妹妹最纯真的梦;《十八岁冬天的童话》中的哥哥把用自己的命运作画,送给了妹妹最美丽的童话;《像诗一样美丽》中的哥哥与妹妹携手,一起徜徉在古诗的国度里;是《傻子最悲伤》中的“傻”哥哥,《胆小鬼》中“胆小”的哥哥,也为妹妹保留着最温柔最坚定的眼神。


The Happiness in Nine and Half

Author: Yu Yujun

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB16.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5478-0

Pages: 160

Size: 155*210mm

Brief introduction:

Elder brother is the man to give us careful warm and firm strength. In “The Happiness in Nine and Half”, although brother was far at another side of ocean, he always embellish the purest dream of little brother. In “18 Years Old Winter’s Fairy Tale”, brother panted with his fate as the nicest fairy tale. In “Beautiful As Poem”, brother with sister wandered in ancient poem kingdom. The fool brother of “The Saddest idiot” and the coward brother on “Coward” still reserved the best gentle and the firmest look.


08 亲爱的薄荷,快跑! !


出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.06

定价: 16.00元 书号: 978-7-5329-5479-7 页码: 160

尺寸: 155*210mm

图书简介: 一早我从宿舍出发,这里可是《哥哥的黝黑城堡》哦!我跟妹妹碗碗说了再会。……好不容易送走大珠小珠,我的猫咪月晕提醒我去酒店参加新年派对!没错没错,那里有神秘女孩薄荷呢,可偏偏有人大喊《亲爱的薄荷,快跑!!》。我心里空落落,一个人走进地铁商城,被一家特别的剪纸铺子吸引过去了,《花儿与高跟鞋》的绝美剪纸背后,没想到竟是一个伤心的亲情故事。黑夜临近,我看见《忧愁河上的银牙》一闪,才发现自己《忘了,要搭一座桥》,只能扇动起《恍惚的翅膀》,飞过这曲曲折折、高低起伏的一天故事行程。


Go! Darling Peppermint

Author: Yu Yujun

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB16.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5479-7

Pages: 160

Size: 155*210mm

Brief introduction:

In the morning, I came cross “The Brother’s Swarthy Castle” from my dorm, then I say see you to sister Wan Wan. … After boundless farewell of Dazhu and Xiaozhu, my cat, Lunar Halo, reminded me to restaurant for the new year party. It was right, as there had a mysterious girl, Peppermint, but someone shouted “Go! Darling Peppermint”. With losing heatrt, I alone went into the subway shop, and was drawn by a scissor cut store. There was an unexpected sad story about family ties behind the splendid scissor cut of “Flower and High Heeled Shoes”. After I saw a glitter on “The Silver Tooth on Depressed River”, found me “Forgetting to Set up A Bridge”, so could but swing “Absent Minded Wings” flying through a day of  meandered up and down stories journey


09 人鱼少年



出版日期: 2017.06 定价: 16.00元 书号: 978-7-5329-5480-3

页码: 200 尺寸: 155*200mm

图书简介: 这是童书作家贾月珍的“天使心灵成长系列”,每个孩子都有缺点,但是只要正确引导,发现自己的优点,成为一个天使。主人公于小鱼天生身体有异味,因此他总是很自卑,并被同学们远离,直到有一天,他进入“天使补习班”,通过板刷老师的帮助,成为一名飞鱼天使。


Children Growing Series: Merman Teenager

Author: Jia Yuzheng

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB16.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5480-3

Pages: 200

Size: 155*200mm

Brief introduction:

It belonged to Children Growing Series by Jia Yuzheng. Each child has his or her weakness, but it need the right conduction to their merit, and each child can become a angel. The protagonist, Yu Xiaoyu, for a sea smell body, was always very inferior, and was estranged by classmates. Until a day, he became a volador angel under Teacher Brush help after going into a cram school to angel.





出版日期: 2017.06

定价: 16.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5481-0

页码: 200 尺寸: 155*200mm

图书简介: 这是童书作家贾月珍的“天使心灵成长系列”,每个孩子都有缺点,但是只要正确引导,发现自己的有点,成为一个天使。主人公陶哈哈天生长着一张小丑脸,不笑的时候也被人家当成“嬉皮笑脸”,因此没什么朋友,直到遇到板刷和于小鱼,才终于找到自己的归宿,成为一名海鹦天使。


Children Growing Series: The Harlequin on Cliff

Author: Jia Yuzheng

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB16.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5481-0

Pages: 200

Size: 155*200mm

Brief introduction:

It belonged to Children Growing Series by Jia Yuzheng. Each child has his or her weakness, but it needs the right conduction to their merit, and each child can become an angel. The protagonist, Tao Haha, had no a friend, because even if he was regarded as grinning cheekily and being impertinent, for his harlequin face. Until coming across Teacher Brush and Yu Xiaoyu, he finally found his result to be a puffin angel.





出版日期: 2017.06

定价: 18.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5482-7

页码: 150 尺寸: 180*210mm




Smart Tree Series: The Mayor Mushroom

Author: An Wulin

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB18.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5482-7

Pages: 150

Size: 180*210mm

Brief introduction:

It was a fairy tale collection interpreted by Chinese Phonetic Alphabet by An Wulin, with some fresh and lively illustrations having human and cultural color. The stories had full of wonderful imagination and deep meaning, which made little readers to taste caring miracle, accompanying warm, devoting happiness, and mercy strength. Being natural or persistent, sometimes happy, sometimes lost, the little animals full of wisdom and love, wove some stories with meeting and departure, conflict and understanding, as well as worry and cherishing. The rich pictures and imaginative language constituted deep idea and wide space of the stories.





出版日期: 2017.06

定价: 18.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5483-4

页码: 150 尺寸: 180*210mm

图书简介: 本书为鲁冰的中短篇注音童话集,配新鲜活泼、不失人文色彩的插画。书中的童话充满奇妙的想象,蕴含深刻的意义,小读者从中可体会关爱的奇迹、相伴的温馨、奉献的快乐和宽容的力量。童话里的小动物们拥有智慧,充满爱心,他们或潇洒或执着,时而快乐时而失落,交织出相遇与分离、矛盾与和解、牵挂与珍重的故事。作者以极富画面感和想象力的语言赋予故事深刻的哲理和丰富的空间。


Smart Tree Series: The Gift to Little Fox

Author: Lu Bing

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB18.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5483-4

Pages: 150

Size: 180*210mm

Brief introduction:

It was a fairy tale collection interpreted by Chinese Phonetic Alphabet by Lu Bing, with some fresh and lively illustrations having human and cultural color. The stories had full of wonderful imagination and deep meaning, which made little readers to taste caring miracle, accompanying warm, devoting happiness, and mercy strength. Being natural or persistent, sometimes happy, sometimes lost, the little animals full of wisdom and love, wove some stories with meeting and departure, conflict and understanding, as well as worry and cherishing. The rich pictures and imaginative language constituted deep idea and wide space of the stories.




出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.06 定价: 18.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5484-1 页码: 150 尺寸: 180*210mm

图书简介: 本书为汤素兰的中短篇注音童话集,配新鲜活泼、不失人文色彩的插画。书中的童话充满奇妙的想象,蕴含深刻的意义,小读者从中可体会关爱的奇迹、相伴的温馨、奉献的快乐和宽容的力量。童话里的小动物们拥有智慧,充满爱心,他们或潇洒或执着,时而快乐时而失落,交织出相遇与分离、矛盾与和解、牵挂与珍重的故事。作者以极富画面感和想象力的语言赋予故事深刻的哲理和丰富的空间。


Smart Tree Series: Grandmother Smart’s Story Basket

Author: Tang Sulan

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB18.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5484-1

Pages: 150

Size: 180*210mm

Brief introduction:

It was a fairy tale collection interpreted by Chinese Phonetic Alphabet by Tang Sulan, with some fresh and lively illustrations having human and cultural color. The stories had full of wonderful imagination and deep meaning, which made little readers to taste caring miracle, accompanying warm, devoting happiness, and mercy strength. Being natural or persistent, sometimes happy, sometimes lost, the little animals full of wisdom and love, wove some stories with meeting and departure, conflict and understanding, as well as worry and cherishing. The rich pictures and imaginative language constituted deep idea and wide space of the stories.




出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.06

定价: 18.00元 书号: 978-7-5329-5493-3 页码: 200

尺寸: 148*210mm

图书简介: 成绩平平的少女秀男,突然收到几封匿名信。父母与老师的追问,好友的隐瞒,让秀男觉得生活一团糟。这时,男孩边域送给她一支由玉石做的刻有蝉的钢笔。在这支有魔力的钢笔的帮助下,秀男的成绩得到了提高,她的巨大变化引起了周围人的怀疑……这部充满神秘气息的儿童小说,巧妙地将几个人的命运编织到一起,关注了孩子青春期的成长烦恼。本书另包括两部短篇小说。


Who Does Cicada Sings For

Author: Zhang Zhilu

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB18.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5493-3

Pages: 200

Size: 148*210mm

Brief introduction:

Xiunan, a girl with ordinary study grade, suddenly received several letters. Xiuna felt a mess in her living, because the parents and teacher enquired this and close friend concealed some. Then, a boy, Bianyu, presented her a jade pen with a cicada carved. Under the magical pen help, Xinan’s grade progressed a lot, which was a huge change making the suspecting of surrounders… The children book full of mystery ingeniously wove several ones’ fate, and focused the growing sorrows of Children’s puberty. The book had another two stories.




出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.06;

定价: 18.00元 书号: 978-7-5329-5494-0

页码: 200 尺寸: 148*210mm

图书简介: 在人的主观想象中,在一个学校或者班级里,经常被人欺负的都是些弱小的、弱智的、有生理缺陷的同学,其实不然。《少年刘大公的烦恼》的刘大公就是一个很正常的人。他身高一米七五,不胖不瘦,皮肤白皙、五官端正。非要说不足的活,他显得有些文弱,说话爱脸红……本书为《少年刘大公的烦恼》等10部短篇作品,从不同角度诠释成长的真谛。作者将那些天马行空的科幻,以及动人心魄的历险融入到孩子的世界。让人读着的时候感动深受,这些事情不也在我们身边发生过么?


The Sorrows of Young Liu Dagong

Author: Zhang Zhilu

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB18.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5494-0

Pages: 200

Size: 148*210mm

Brief introduction:

From the subjective impression, in a school or class, the infirm and non clever pupils with physiological often were teased, but it is not. The protagonist of “The Sorrows of Young Liu Dagong”, Liu Dagong, had a 175 cm body, which was not thin and fat, with fair skin and well feature. If it had to find his shortcoming, he looked gentle and weak, and said with red face… The book consists of ten stories such as “The Sorrows of Young Liu Dagong” and so on, interpreting the growing truth from kinds viewpoint. It had the science fiction with imagination running wild and breath taking adventure into children’s world, which made readers be moved deeply. Did those happen around us?




出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.05

定价: 18.00元 书号: 978-7-5329-5467-4

页码: 200 尺寸: 155*210mm

图书简介: 本书为著名儿童文学作家周锐的代表作《中国兔子德国草》的精选本。书中讲述了一个在德国出生在德国生活的中国小孩的成长故事。生动细致地描写少年爱尔安的生活,并展现了中国作家眼中的德国社会。关于中西文化和中西教育的对比也是本书的一大亮色。


April Fools’ Day

Author: Zhou Rui

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.05

Price: RMB18.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5467-4

Pages: 200

Size: 155*210mm

Brief introduction:

It was the selection of “Chinese Rabbit and German Grass”, a master work by Zhou Rui, a Chinese famous children book author. The book stated a growing story about a Chinese kid born and grew in Germany, which meticulously described teenager Aieran’s living and showed Germany society from Chinese author’s viewpoint. Another light spot of the book was the cultural and educational comparison between German and China.




出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.05 定价: 18.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5468-1 页码: 200 尺寸: 155*210mm












A Dream throughout Millennium

Author: Zhou Rui

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.05

Price: RMB18.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5468-1

Pages: 200

Size: 155*210mm

Brief introduction:

In the story “A Dream throughout Millennium”, an ancient man made two pots of spirits which could let human sleep for millennium, because he believe there would have not bad people, so he divided the spirits and recipe to his two sons. Two sons drunk the spirits but didn’t do entirety, so they awaked in 500 years, and came into modern society. Then, two sons meet a series of ironic things between tears and laughers.


The book was a collection of the prize winnign fairy tales including “A Dream throughout Millennium” and so on. “A Dream throughout Millennium” won the 4th Oriental Juvenile Literature Award in Taiwan, “General Heng and General Ha” obtained the 3rd National Outstanding Children's Literature Prize, “A Barbershop on Bravery” acquired the Good Works Award of Literature and Art for Juvenile in 1983 in Shanghai, “The Best Projectionist” gained the Outstanding Works Award of Literature and Art for Juvenile in 1985, “A Red Peach Prince with Flyswatter instead of Axe” did the Outstanding Works of Children’s Literature in 1986, “Button Third One” did the 2nd National Outstanding Children’s Literature Prize, “Clam’s or Mirage’s Sail” did the 1st Children's Literature Award for the Flute of Mandarin Daily News in Taiwan, “The Candles in Ruin Town” did the Excellent Award of Juvenile’s Novel and Fairy Tale for New Millennium in Oriental Juvenile, “B Myself Destroyed A Myself” did the 4th Children's Literature Award for the Flute of Mandarin Daily News in Taiwan, “A Toothache Fairy Tale by A Toothache Author” did the 2nd Fairy Tale and Fable Excellent Award of Zhang Tianyi, “The Souls’ Talk When Their Body in Operation” did the Good Works Award of Literature and Art for Juvenile in 1998, “A Baby after long Fetation” did the Good Works Award of Literature and Art for Juvenile in 1999, “Stock or Life” did the Excellent Award of Juvenile’s Novel and Fairy Tale in Oriental Juvenile in 1997, and “Crabs Knock at My Door” won the 21st Children Literature Award of Chen Bochui.


“General Heng and General Ha” had four serial stories. One was about a Sticking Plaster which could make people the dream to friendship, but needed both willing and cooperating. Two stated that Steal Star claimed will visit the houses of General Heng and General Ha within 10 days, so Generals guarded carefully with distorting mirror for 11 days. But, after 12 days Steal Star stole Generals’ distorting mirror. Three told that people’s thurification for rain was too much so that to smoke Generals. Finally Generals became the roles to rain for anxious sweat to wait rain. Four described that to collect 8 kinds of materials to a delicious soup, General Heng had to prepare the mouse meat as he had not find the tiger’s tail. Finally under the hunger, immortals still ate the soup.


In “The Best Projectionist”, Alun grew up and became a projectionist in a children theater. He still had the children’s emotion, so often reduced or repeated the films. A year, the theater hardly attracted children, for lacking of new films. Alun held a dubbing film match which let Children dub for classical films. It was popular for children, and Alun became a Newsmaker.


In Chinese language, the big clam may be written as mirage, or whose breath made the beautiful mirage. It was said that mirage and clam is a same Chinese word. In “Clam’s or Mirage’s Sail”, Clam Six was eager to make his mirage ship, but had to cultivate his pearl by traditional force, and little mermaid wanted to weave the color silk instead of traditional silk without color. Both pursue their dreams. Finally Clam six cannot make his ship after cultivating his pearl, which let Little mermaid understand that she needed to realize her dream soon before having her full ability.


In “The Candles in Ruin Town”, tornado blew the sand deposition and the Ruin Town appeared. The protagonist, I, found a kind of candle which ancient had not use and could be self ignite lacking oxygen. The candle can turn carbon dioxide into oxygen. When tornado covered the Ruin again, I depend on the candle to stick to the rescue team coming.


In “B Myself Destroyed A Myself”, The protagonist, I, was a policeman. To soon capture the marplot, Sand, I had copied A Myself and B Myself. For my short temper, B lacked of my weakness. After capturing, A and B returned my side and help my work and living. But B Myself without weakness destroyed A, and might did me with weakness.


“Stock or Life” satirized stock market. The protagonist’s father, whose job was transporting goods with rickshaw, went into a special stock market, where the settlement was life. After ups and downs, and hardly having life, the father came back to the truth, gave up stock, and returned his original happy life.


In “Crabs Knock at My Door”, thousands and thousands of crabs flowed into city, and broke into the protagonist’s house. Without intention, I brought back the natural ocarina from the top of hill aside of Fall Jujube Lake. It broke the nature, so crabs sought here. But the returned natural ocarina was not original, so crabs were far away Fall Jujube Lake.





出版日期: 2017.05

定价: 18.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5469-8

页码: 200 尺寸: 180*210mm

图书简介: 其中一部短篇讲述了慢性子裁缝与急性子顾客在冬天约定好做一件第二年的冬装,然而急性子顾客每天都来改要求,从冬装改到秋装又改到夏装最后改到春装,慢性子裁缝都笑眯眯地答应了。急性子顾客问改来改去是否会影响布料,慢性子裁缝说,我还没开始做哪,因为我是慢性子呀。本书为《慢性子裁缝和急性子顾客》《用奖杯吃饭的餐厅》《拿苍蝇拍的红桃王子》《霉气公司》等短篇注音童话集,主要面向读者为小学一二年级学生。


Phlegmatic Tailor and Pepperbox Client

Author: Zhou Rui

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.05

Price: RMB18.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5469-8

Pages: 200

Size: 180*210mm

Brief introduction:

A story “Phlegmatic Tailor and Pepperbox Client” of the book stated that In a winter a phlegmatic tailor and a pepperbox client promised to make a winter dress next winter, but hereafter, each day the client came to ask changing order from winter dress to autumn dress, to summer dress, and finally to spring dress, then the tailor all smilingly consented. The client enquired whether the changes would affect the material, then the tailor said that “I haven’t do, as I am phlegmatic.” The book was a short fairy tales collection interpreted by Chinese Phonetic Alphabet, including “Phlegmatic Tailor and Pepperbox Client”, “A Restaurant Eating with Trophy”, “The Prince Red Heart with A Flyswatter”, “Unlucky Company” and so on, facing one or two grades of primary school.


19 《论语》约解






页码:400 尺寸:185*260



The Primary Reading on The Analects of Confucius

Author: Han Benxiu

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.07

Price: RMB38.00


Pages: 400

Size: 185*260mm

Brief introduction:

Common people usually felt cryptic to read The Analects of Confucius and hard to understand all meaning. For readers could understand and enjoy Confucius’ work, the book detailed each sentence of Confucius, which had the interpret on each word and translated each sentence from ancient Chinese to modern Chinese language, as well as the state on background and so on. The book found the corresponding story from Chinese history to help readers to realize each sentence. Reading the book may experience the glamour of Chinese traditional culture and view the status of Confucianism.



作者:钱欢青著 出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.05

定价: 59.00元 书号: 978-7-5329-5455-1

页码: 400 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 从2013年7月开始,作者对济南境内的众多古村落进行了调查。村里的老房子、古迹,村庄的历史变迁,以及村里人的人生故事和生存状态,成为寻访重点,也使得寻访具有了历史和人性的温度。同时作者也拍摄了大量照片。在都市人的乡愁焦虑日浓、越来越多古村落消失,以及乡村旅游日益火热的背景下,该系列在《济南时报》刊发专栏报道期间即引起读者广泛关注,期间济南广播电台还邀请作者播讲“古村落里的济南”,在听众中也引起强烈反响。


The Ancient and Traditional Villages in Jinan of China

Author: Qian Huangqing

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.05

Price: RMB59.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5455-1

Pages: 400

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

Since July in 2013, the author started to investigate many traditional villages in Jinan and took many photos. The visiting emphasis was old houses, historic sites, villages’ change, as well as villagers’ life stories and survival statuses, which made the visiting has the solicitude on history and humanity. Under the surrounding of city residents nostalgia and anxiety becoming thicker and thicker, more and more old villages disappearing, and village travel prevailing day and day, during the series was issued by Jinan Times, a Jinan local newspaper, it drawn readers’ wide concern. Meantime, Jinan Radio invited the author for talk show on “ The Ancient and Traditional Villages in Jinan of China”, which drew the audiences’ resonance.



作者:钱欢青著 出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.05

定价: 39.00元 书号: 978-7-5329-5454-4

页码: 240 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 济南是一座文化历史名城,称为泉城。本书是一本人文地理的图文书,脱胎于《济南时报》与我社的文化项目“济南文学地图”。《济南时报》特刊推出,已累计刊登30余版,积累了颇丰的文章、精美摄影作品以及手绘地图。游览一座城市的方式有很多,爱美食者以味蕾作牵引;爱风景者以山水为目标。本书以城市观光者的视角、文学散步的心态,梳理名人与济南的轶闻佳话, 提供独树一帜的行走路线,以名人寻踪为观赏济南的方式,例如李清照之于漱玉泉,例如张承志之于饮虎池。


The Geography and Traditional Literature about Spring City of China

Author: Qian Huangqing

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.05

Price: RMB39.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5454-4

Pages: 240

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

Chinese Jinan is called as Spring City as an old and new city for its springs, buildings, culture, literature and other scenery. It was a picture book about human and culture geography, which originated from “Jinan’s Literature and Geography” by Jinan Times and the press. Jinan Times had issued more 30 layouts, which piled up scenery photos, painting maps and essays. Visiting a city has many methods, such as gourmand looking for delicious food, sightseer targeting scenery, and so on. From the viewpoint of city sightseer and the mindset of enjoying Chinese literature, the book sorted the stories between famous figures and Jinan, and showed a visit course to enjoy Jinan, with tracking famous figures, such as Washing Jade Spring and Li Qingzhao who is an ancient poetess, Tiger Drinking Pool and Zhang Chengzhi who is a modern writer, etc.



作者:蓝紫青灰著 出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.07

定价: 39.00元 书号: 978-7-5329-5436-0

页码: 200 尺寸: 170*210mm

图书简介: 各色果实是最为常见的食物之一,春有樱桃青梅,夏有木瓜凤梨,秋有鸡头菱角,冬有赤豆紫栗,我们都熟悉之极。本书即按春夏秋冬,分为四章,写时令果肴,为果实的吃法提供了更为丰富多彩的可能。这些生啖、炒制、水煮之外的吃法并不是凭空而来,而是来自古书的记载或者各地人民的实践。作者将这些并不广为人知的果馔汇聚一书,从盛唐时代的樱笋宴,写到寻常百姓家寒冬炉边的芋头栗子,解读这些果实的厨中风味和文化印记。


How to Enjoy Chinese Fruit as Food and Essays

Author: LanZiQingHui

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.07

Price: RMB39.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5436-0

Pages: 200

Size: 170*210mm

Brief introduction:

Fruits are the best common food in China, where are cherry and greengage in spring, pawpaw and pineapple in summer, chicken rice and water chestnut in autumn, and rice bean and shiguri in winter, which are very best familiar for Chinese. The books consisted of four chapters according to seasons’ fruits, which being showed rich and colorful eating and enjoying. The eating except raw, cooking, and boiling is not from unfounded matter, instead is from Chinese exercise and ancient books. The author selected the book from fruits and eating which have not be known by many people, from cherry and bamboo shoot dish in Great Tong Dynasty, to common taro and chestnut at winter stove. It interpreted Chinese cooking art and related literature impressed in fruits





出版日期: 2017.07

定价: 39.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5437-7

页码: 200

尺寸: 170*210mm

图书简介: 名花调鼎,和春韭晚菘一样寻常,《山家清供》(“Mountain Food Materials” In South Song Dynasty)《遵生八笺》(“The Eight Notepaper to Obey Lives” in Ming Dynasty)《群芳谱》(“Florilegium” in Ming Dynasty)等古籍中都有相关记载。本书作者翻检古书,游历各地,掌握大量资料的同时,也熟知各地的花馔习俗。在此基础上,她亲身实践,下厨烹饪,从冬末的蜡梅吃到早春的梅花,跟着樱笋宴开,春别夏来,又从盛夏的荷花吃到秋天的菊花。吃花,吃的是有趣,吃的是古老中国的风雅。


How to Enjoy Chinese Delicious Food and related Essays from flower

Author: LanZiQingHui

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.07

Price: RMB39.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5437-7

Pages: 200

Size: 170*210mm

Brief introduction:

Cooking with flowers is usual with spring leek and autumn Chinese cabbage in China, which were recorded in Chinese ancient books such as “Mountain Food Materials” In South Song Dynasty, “The Eight Notepaper to Obey Lives” and “Florilegium” in Ming Dynasty, etc. The author traveled throughout China and read ancient books, mastering lot or materials, meantime was familiar with the customs and essays of eating flowers. Under foresaid base, the author cooked from chimonanthus in winter to plum blossom in spring, to cherry and bamboo shoot dish, then from lotus in hot summer to chrysanthemum in autumn. Eating flowers is interesting, meantime is a traditional ancient Chinese custom and grace to enjoy lives





出版日期: 2016.07

定价: 36.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5263-2

页码: 224 尺寸: 170*210mm

图书简介: 本书图文并茂,“一花一叶,读懂自《诗经》始的传统中国”,以明朝人程羽文的《花月令》为骨架,从春天的红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉,到夏日的榴花照眼,菡萏为莲,再到秋季的槐花黄,桂飘香,芙蓉冷,转至冬日的枇杷蕊,松柏秀,于四季轮回、春夏更替中,细细讲述十二个月里各月的缤纷花事。作者既为读者打开了一扇通向花艺之门,也打开了一条别具风采的了解东方传统文化的通道。蓝紫青灰,盛大文学首批金牌作者,曾出版《爱是至奢华的一件事》( Homer Publishing 2009年12月)。


Traditional Chinese 12 Months with Flowers and Essays

Author: Lan Zi Qing Hui

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2016.07

Price: RMB36.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5263-2

Pages: 224

Size: 170*210mm

Brief introduction:

Understanding traditional Chinese will be from flowers, essays and other, which begun since “The Book of Song” by Confucius. The book is the essays with photos, under the frame of Flowers' Calendar by Cheng Yuwen, in Ming Dynasty. In spring, cherry become red and banana are green. In summer, pomegranate reflect champing sunshine and lotus unfold their glamour seedpod from flowers. In autumn, pagoda tree flower turn yellow, fragrant flowers spread the aroma, and louts are aloof and proud. In winter before the next spring, loquat bloom and pine and cypress are till green. Through season’s circulation, it painted delicately the flowers in each month. The author opened a door to natural floriculture, as well as a channel to understand the orient traditional culture. Lan Zi Qing Hui is one of the first gold medalists of Cloudary, who had issued Love is the best luxurious (Homer Publishing, on December, 2009 ) .





出版日期: 2014.01

定价: 39.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4361-1

页码: 304 尺寸: 170*210mm

图书简介: 这是一本图文并茂的散文集,“一花一叶,读懂自《诗经》始的传统中国”,介绍48种春夏秋冬的时令食物及其相关文学话题。现常吃的蒌蒿已存多年,“翘翘错薪,言刈其蒌;之子于归,言秣其驹。”从一碗乌饭中上溯到杜甫的“岂无青精饭,使我颜色好”,从《遵生八笺》中重寻青青梅子在往昔的酒意诗情。……读之浅显可知自古至今的中国人如何轻松愉快地生活,亦可能寻找到一些简单的所未知的中华美食。


Traditional Chinese 4 Reasons With 48 delicacies and Chinese Literature

Author: Lan Zi Qing Hui(text and photo)

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.01

Price: RMB39.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4361-1

Pages: 304

Size: 170*210mm

Brief introduction:

Understanding traditional Chinese will be from flowers, essays and other, which begun since “The Book of Song” by Confucius. The work is the essays with photos, to shows 48 Chinese seasonal tasties together with Chinese Classical literature from each living. Artemisia selengensis being a Chinese vegetable today, The Book of Songs, collected by Confucius, said it that “Of the trees here and there, I'll only cut artemisia. If she should marry me, her stable-boy I'd be.” Eating a Chinese rice meal, “No green fine meal, make me good color” was backed, which was written by Tu Fu for li po. Reading a restorative monograph in Ming Dynasty, traditional poetic feeling with toast song reappeared from green plum…  You could obviously see how Chinese since ancient times live relaxed and pleasantly, and you maybe look for some simple tasties which you haven’t found.


26读莫言 游高密



出版日期: 2012.12

定价: 28.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-3976-3

页码: 136 尺寸: 160*240mm

图书简介: 本书是一本关于中国作家莫言和家乡高密的图文书,他于2012年获诺贝尔文学奖。莫言说过“高密东北乡,生我养我的地方,只要我的生命不息,就会放声为你歌唱。”作品以莫言成长和创作为线索,开启高密人文地理的图文之旅。探究他的故乡的风物人情、历史脉络和自然魅力,走进其作品的原型场景,领略莫言语言的魅力。


Reading MoYan and Visiting his Hometown

Author: Yang Shouceng

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2012.12

Price: RMB28.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-3976-3

Pages: 136 Pages

Size: 160*240mm

Brief introduction:

It is a graphic book about Mo Yan, Chinese author who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012, and his hometown, Gaomi. He said “The Northeast Town of Gaomi, I was born and grew up in my hometown. As long as being alive, I sing and write for my hometown.” Tracking the growing up and creating of Mo Yan, the text and photos started a journey to Gaomi’s geographical and human culture. By researching the culture, custom, history and natural scenery of his hometown, the book discovered the prototype of his works’ background, and his language glamour.





出版日期: 2016.05

定价: 36.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5238-0

页码: 216 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 曾国藩是中国晚清的著名大臣,“做官要学曾国藩,经商要学胡雪岩”。本书侧重从思维的角度透析曾国藩,深度解码曾国藩的内心世界,品鉴曾国藩的心路历程,或许有助于人们更客观、更辩证、更深刻地认识曾国藩。


Thinking Like Zeng Guofang

Author: Lu Xiuru

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2016.05

Price: RMB36.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5238-0

Pages: 216

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

Zeng Guofan is a Chinese outstanding minister in Qing Dynasty, who had been evaluated by a saying that to be officer learns from Zeng Guofan, and to be businessman does Hu Xueyan. On the emphasis of the thought of Zeng Guofan, the book analyzed him, deeply explained his heart world, and discovered his heart course, which help readers to realize him more objectively, dialectically and profoundly.





出版日期: 2012.03

定价: 17.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-3713-4

页码: 192 尺寸: 150*200mm

图书简介: 几乎所有的素花都很香,越是颜色鲜艳的花,越缺少分芬芳。生命是什么?生命是母亲的慈爱,父亲的严厉,爱人的柔情,朋友的关怀;生命是出生的无知,少年的天真,青年的成熟,中年的练达,老年的余晖夕阳。蔡新新阿姨并不是一位作家,但她又远非一个消极的“隐者”,更不是做作地故弄玄虚。在这样一个浮躁喧嚣的时代,尚能有人如她这样安于内心,宁静致远。请读一读蔡新新阿姨的唠唠叨叨的倾听心灵,感悟生活,仰视人性,敬畏生命。


Aunt Cai’s Living Sayings

Author: Cai XinXin

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2012.03

Price: RMB17.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-3713-4

Pages: 192

Size: 150*200mm

Brief introduction:

All nearly simple flowers are very fragrant, but the lighter flowers lack sweet-smelling. Then, what is life? Life is mother’s kindness, father’s sternness, lover’s tenderness, and friend’s solicitude. Meanwhile, life is baby’s naiven ess, juvenile’s innocence, youth’s maturing, midlife’s mastership, and agedness’ positive life. Aunt Cai is not a writer, but she is far from a negative anchoret, and not a obscurantist in airs and graces. In Chinese nowadays impetuous and noisy times, there are people like her being peaceful in heart yet, and she was still waters run deep. Let’s read Aunt Cai’s sayings and sayings in common living, to listen for people’s spirit, perceive living, understand personality and respect life.





出版日期: 2017.06

定价: 58.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5498-8

页码: 300 尺寸: 185*260mm

图书简介: 本书是一部中国水墨作品集,配以散文随笔。内容可分为花鸟春秋、钟馗耍宝、老薛耍猴、万物心经、草虫画趣、缱绻狸奴、果蔬小物、不哲薛等,配以幽默风趣的文字,似漫不经心,却又让人会心一笑,多有回味。这是薛继业式的中国人的闲适生活的体现,读之可知自古至今的中国式的处事方式与心态。


Laoxue’s Traditional Chinese Paintings for Modern Humor

Author: Xue Jiye

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date:

Price: 2017.06


Pages: RMB58.00

Size: 185*260mm

Brief introduction:

It was a collection of traditional Chinese paintings with related essays. The content had “Flower and Bird,” “Zhong Kui”, “Laoxue’s Monkeys”, “Laoxue’s Calligraphy on The Heart Sutra”, “Grass and Worm”, “Cat”, “Fruit and Vegetable”, “Non Philosopher Laoxue ” and so on, with humorous and interesting language, which seemed to breeze out readers’ hearts, but made people smiling understandingly with aftertaste and feeling. It was Chinese relaxed and pleasant living embodied by Laoxue’s style, reading which maybe understand Chinese manner and mindset treating all things since ancient time.



作者:欧凡著 出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2017.06 定价: 29.80元

书号: 978-7-5329-5429-2 页码: 270 尺寸: 140*200mm

图书简介: 本书汇集了欧凡对各国诗人及其作品的读后感和评介,也有读、译、写的心得以及对少数中国古典诗词作品的评论,后者着重在以现代的观点和理念去考察诗人们为他们的时代所写的作品。宗旨是把读者引进更广阔的视域。谈及诗人:策兰(Paul Celan)、泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore)、布罗茨基(Joseph Brodsky)、辛波斯卡(Wislawa Szymborska)、博尔赫斯(Jorges Luis Borges)、邓南遮(Gabriele D’Annunzio)、莱奥帕尔迪(Giacomo Leopardi)、蒙塔莱(Eugenio Montale)、马拉美(Stéphane Mallarmé)、西密克(Charles Simic)、卡佛(Raymond Carver)、米沃什(Czeslaw Milosz)、洛尔卡(Federnio Garcia Lorca)、贝里曼(John Berryman)、弗罗斯特(R.Frost)、维吉尔(Vergil)、斯特兰德(Mark Strand)、梅瑞耳(James Merrill)、海涅(Heinrich Heine)、普希金(Александр Сергеевич Пушкин)、罗塞蒂( Dante Gabriel Rossetti)、佩索阿(Fernando Pessoa)、奥登(Wystan Hugh Auden)、阿多尼斯(Adonis)、马哈茂德·达尔维什(Mahmoud Darwish)、李商隐、苏轼、李绅、王国维、王安石、钱谦益、袁枚、吴梅村、龚自珍、王士祯、黄仲则、洪亮吉。


Oufan Touring and Telling about Foreign and Chinese Poems

Author: Oufan

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2017.06

Price: RMB29.80

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5429-2

Pages: 270

Size: 140*200mm

Brief introduction:

It were the reflections and reviews on foreign poets by a Chinese interpreter and poet, Oufan,as well as his study on reading, translating and writing, and a few review on Chinese ancient pomes which emphasized to research Chinese ancient poets’ work though modern viewpoint and idea. It purposed to wide readers’ viewing angle on those poets such as Paul Celan, Rabindranath Tagore, Joseph Brodsky, Wislawa Szymborska, Jorges Luis Borges, Gabriele D’Annunzio, Giacomo Leopardi, Eugenio Montale, Stéphane Mallarmé, Charles Simic, Raymond Carver, Czeslaw Milosz, Federnio Garcia Lorca, John Berryman, R.Frost, Vergil, Mark Strand, James Merrill, Heinrich Heine, Александр Сергеевич Пушкин, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Fernando Pessoa, Wystan Hugh Auden, Adonis, Mahmoud Darwish, as well as a few Chinese poems such as Li Shangyin, Su Shi, Li Sheng, Wang Guowei, Wang Anshi, Qian Qianyi, Yuan Mei, Wu Meicun, Gong Zizheng, Wang Shizheng, Huang Zhongze, Hong Liangji.





出版日期: 2016.06

定价: 38.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-5230-4

页码: 352 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 本书为鲁迅文学奖得主胡学文最新力作。日本入侵东北,打破了猎人柳东风和妹妹柳东雨原本平静的生活,兄妹俩在痛苦、仇恨中纠结,挣扎于个人情感和国仇家恨的矛盾中。血梅花杀手神出鬼没,令日本军警闻风丧胆。然而杀手究竟是谁,又藏匿于何处?本书为读者抽丝剥茧般展开了一段悲壮而震撼的故事。


The Bloody Plum Blossom

Author: Hu Xuewen

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2016.06

Price: RMB38.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-5230-4

Pages: 352

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

It was the new work by Hu Xuewen who won Lu Xun Literary Prize. Last century, Japanese invaded Chinese Northeast, which broke the quiet living of a hunter, Liu Dongfen and his sister. The brother and sister tangled in pain and hatred for personal emotion and for country invaded and family broken. So, a killer, the bloody plum blossom, appeared mysteriously, who made Japanese army and policemen terror-stricken. Who was the killer? And where was he or she? The book displayed a moving, tragic and shocked story in details for reader.


32 70后作家大系·这些年我一直在路上



出版日期: 2014.09

定价: 40.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4723-2

页码: 384 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,徐则臣,文学硕士,供职于《人民文学》杂志社,参与编剧的《我坚强的小船》获第四届好莱坞AOF国际电影节最佳外语片奖,他的《我们在北京相遇》改编为《北京你好》,获第十四届北京大学生电影节最佳电视电影奖。曾获春天文学奖、西湖·中国新锐文学奖、华语文学传媒大奖、庄重文文学奖、《小说月报》百花奖等。(韩语版权已售)


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: I Am on the Way during Those Years

Author: Xu Zecheng

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.09

Price: RMB40.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4723-2

Pages: 384

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Xu Zecheng, a literary master, serves People's Literature magazine. The film, Kids in Shanghai, one of whose scenarists is Xu Zecheng, had won the Best Foreign Language Film Prize on Action on Film International Film Festival in 2008. The film, Hello Beijing, adapted from his fiction, We Came Across in Beijing, won the Best film and TV Play Prize of fourteenth Beijing College Student Film Festival. His works had won Spring Literary Prize, Chinese West Lake New Literature Prize, Chinese Language Literature Media Prize, Zhuang Zhongwen literary Prize, Flowers Prize of Fiction Monthly Magazine, etc. (Korean language copyright has been exported)

33 70后作家大系·合奏(世间已无陈金芳)

作者:石一枫著 出版社:山东文艺出版社 出版日期: 2014.09

定价: 36.00元 书号: 978-7-5329-4727-0

页码: 324 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,石一枫,文学硕士,其作品见于国内期刊,译著《猜火车》。曾获《人民文学》新人奖、西湖·中国新税文学奖。其中一篇《世间已无陈金芳》2016年获首届“海峡两岸新锐作家好书评选”,第四届郁达夫小说奖中篇小说奖。《世间已无陈金芳》中,乡下女孩陈金芳留在了北京,努力地转变自己的物质和精神世界。当她把所有都投入风险投资以期改变以前的亏空时,最终一无所有。全书的高潮在陈金芳的华丽出场,也是她不得不试图进入风险投资之时,白描了艺术家、帮闲、小鲜肉及最终与她一同失败的投机商主要出场人物。此书出版一年后,中国股市进入下跌时期,如实描写了中国的投机者。(韩语版权已售)


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: Play Music Together

Author: Shi Yifeng

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.09

Price: RMB36.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4727-0

Pages: 324

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Shi Yifeng, is a literary master whose works were often on Chinese periodicals, and translate foreign work, Trainspotting. He had won the first New Comers Prize of People's Literature magazine, Chinese West Lake New Literature Prize, etc. In the book, the first story “It had been not Chen Jinfan” obtained the first New writers across the Taiwan Strait to select good books Award and the middle story prize of the fourth Yu Dafu Fiction Prize in 2016. (Korean language copyright has been exported)


In “It had been not Chen Jinfan”, a villager girl, Chen Jinfang, chose to stick in Beijing to try to converted her physical and metal world. When she plunged all what she had to venture investment, so that to offset previous loss, she lost finally all. The title’s climax was her glorious and magnificent appearance, when she had to attempt to venture investment market. It portrayed main characters such as artist, pensters, young men, and speculator. The speculator finally failed with her together. After a year of the book publishing, which described the Chinese speculators, Chinese stock market came into falling.

34 70后作家大系·老人与酒



出版日期: 2014.10

定价: 35.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4721-8

页码: 316 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,李师江,诗人、作家,获第四届华语文学传媒大奖。(韩语版权已售)


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: An elder and Drink

Author: Li Shijiang

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.10

Price: RMB35.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4721-8

Pages: 316

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Li Shijiang, a poet and writer, had won the forth Chinese Language Literature Media Prize.(Korean language copyright has been exported)


35 70后作家大系·野象小姐



出版日期: 2014.06

定价: 30.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4480-4

页码: 280 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,张楚,曾获《人民文学》短篇小说奖、《中国作家》“大红鹰文学奖”。2011年入选“未来大家TOP20”。2013年被《人民文学》和《南方文坛》评为“年度青年作家”。短篇小说《野象小姐》获第四届郁达夫小说奖短篇小说奖。《野象小姐》讲述女主人公因患乳腺癌,乳房被切,不得不定期住院化疗,结识了安姐、华妃、翠翠三位病友还一位医院里的体形较大但热爱生活的清洁女工——人称“野象”。女主人公夫妻两人因病日渐疏远,但她的丈夫一说谎就会瞳孔胀大,女主公几次抓住丈夫。故事的重点在外表粗笨的“野象小姐”,生命赋予的灵光让她变成了真正幸福而美丽的女人,也鼓舞了女主人公。最终女主人公夫妻重归于好。


The Short Stories of Authors Be Born in 1970's: Miss Wild Elephant

Author: Zhang Chu

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.06

Price: RMB30.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4480-4

Pages: 280

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Zhang Chu, had won People's Literature magazine’s Short Story Prize and Chinese Writers magazine’s Great Red Eagle Prize, and been selected into Top 20 of Chinese Future Writers in 2011. In addition, he was elected Annual Young Writers by magazines, People's Literature and Southern Cultural Forum, in 2013. In the book, the short story “Miss Wild Elephant” obtained the short story prize of the fourth Yu Dafu Fiction Prize in 2016.


In “Miss Wild Elephant”, the heroine’s breasts were cut for her cancer, and had to go to chemotherapy in hospitalization regularly, so came across Anjie, Huafei, Cuicui, and a cleaning lady in hospital who had big body but love life and was called “Miss Wild Elephant”. The couple of heroine were alienating and alienating for cancer, but her husband’s pupils were always enlarge as his lie, so her always grasped his husband’s action. The emphasis was about Wild Elephant with clumsy surface, who was a real happy and beautiful woman for light of life, which encouraged the heroine. Finally, the couple of heroine backed to good.


36 70后作家大系·施耐德的一日三餐



出版日期: 2014.06

定价: 36.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4481-1

页码: 340 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,哲贵,媒体工作者,曾获首届《人民文学》新人奖、《十月》文学等。


The Short Stories of Authors Be Born in 1970's: Meals a Day of Shi Naide

Author: Zhe Gui

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.06

Price: RMB36.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4481-1

Pages: 340

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Zhe Gui, working for media, had won the first New Comers Prize of People's Literature magazine and the Literary Prize of October magazine.


37 70后作家大系·帅旦



出版日期: 2014.06

定价: 36.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4482-8

页码: 340 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,计文君,2000年开始小说创作,文学博士,研究方向为《红楼梦》,现供职于中国现代文学馆。


The Short Stories of Authors Be Born in 1970's: An Adamant lady

Author: Ji Wenjun

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.06

Price: RMB36.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4482-8

Pages: 340

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Ji Wenjun, working for National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature, started to create novels since 2000, and is a literary doctor, whose research aspect is A Dream in Red Mansions.


38 70后作家大系·锦绣



出版日期: 2014.06

定价: 38.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4483-5

页码: 368 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,付秀莹,曾获首届、第四届中国作家出版集团优秀作品奖,首届“茅台杯”《小说选刊》年度大奖,第九届《十月》文学奖,第五届《中国作家》鄂尔多斯文学奖,第三届蒲松龄短篇小说奖等。


The Short Stories of Authors Be Born in 1970's: As Beautiful As Brocade

Author: Fu Xiuying

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.06

Price: RMB38.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4483-5

Pages: 368

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Fu Xiuying, had won the first and forth Excellent Works Prizes of China Writers Publishing Group, the first Maotai Cup Annual Prize of Fictions Selective Periodical, the ninth Literary Prize of October magazine, the fifth Erdos Literary Prize of China Writers magazine, and the third Pu Songling Short Story Prize.


39 70后作家大系·姐姐



出版日期: 2014.06 定价: 35.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4484-2 页码: 324 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,魏微,其作品曾登1998、2001、2003、2005、2006、2010年中国小说排行榜,曾获第三届鲁迅文学奖、第二届中国小说学会奖、第十届庄重文文学奖、第九届华语文学传媒大奖·年度小说家奖。


The Short Stories of Authors Be Born in 1970's: Sister

Author: Wei wei

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.06

Price: RMB35.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4484-2

Pages: 324

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Wei wei, whose works had been on the Chinese Fiction Chart in 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, and 2010, had won the third Lu Xun Literary Prize, the second Chinese Fiction Institution, the tenth Zhuang Zhongwen literary Prize, and Annual Fictionist Prize under the ninth Chinese Language Literature Media Prize.


40 29 70后作家大系·东瓯小史



出版日期: 2014.06 定价: 36.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4486-6; 页码: 344 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介:  作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,东君,原名郑晓泉,曾获第九届《十月》文学奖、《人民文学》短篇小说奖、第二届郁达夫小说奖等。


The Short Stories of Authors Be Born in 1970's: The Historiette of Dongou City

Author: Dongjun

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.06

Price: RMB36.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4486-6

Pages: 344

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Dongjun,whose real name is Zheng Xiaoxuan, had won the ninth Literary Prize of October magazine, People's Literature magazine’s Short Story Prize, and the second Yu Dafu Fiction Prize.


41 70后作家大系·小流放



出版日期: 2014.06 定价: 32.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4487-3 页码: 292 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,鲁敏,18岁离开学校开始工作,先后做过邮局营业员、干事、秘书、企宣、记者、公务员等职。曾获鲁迅文学奖、庄重文文学奖、人民文学奖等,并入选“未来大家TOP20”、台湾《联合文学》华文小说界“20 under 40”等。


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: A Living like Exile

Author: Lu Min

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date:

Price: RMB32.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4487-3

Pages: 292

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Lu Min, had the job away from school in 18, for postwoman, clerk, secretary, journalist, public servant, etc. The author had won Lu Xun Literary Prize, Zhuang Zhongwen literary Prize, People's Literature magazine’s Prize, etc, as well as been selected into Top 20 of Chinese Future Writers, ’20 Under 40’of Chinese Language Fiction of Unitas Publishing, etc.


42 70后作家大系·外面起风了



出版日期: 2014.06 定价: 38.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4488-0 页码: 356 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,戴来,作品入选多种选刊选本,曾获首届春天文学奖、《人民文学》年度短篇奖、第十一届庄重文文学奖等。


The Short Stories of Authors Be Born in 1970's: A Wind Rises Outside

Author: Dai Lai

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.06

Price: RMB38.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4488-0

Pages: 356

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Dai Lai, whose works has been many periodicals and anthologies, had won the first Spring Literary Prize, People’s Literature magazine’s Short Story Prize, the eleventh Zhuang Zhongwen literary Prize, etc.


43 70后作家大系·少爷威威



出版日期: 2014.06 定价: 38.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4489-7 页码: 356 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,黄咏梅,文学硕士,作品收入多种选刊和年度小说选本,部分获奖。


The Short Stories of Authors Be Born in 1970's: A Childe, Weiwei

Author: Huang Yongmei

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.06

Price: RMB38.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4489-7

Pages: 356

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Huang Yongmei, is a literary master, whose works has been selected into many anthologies and annual fiction seclections, part of which won the Prizes.


44 70后作家大系·北京果脯



出版日期: 2014.09 定价: 40.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4719-5 页码: 384 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,瓦当,曾任新星出版社编辑部主任,现执教鲁东大学文学院,被称为中间代代表作家之一,曾获泰山文艺奖,齐鲁文学奖等。


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: Candied Fruit to Baby

Author: Wadang

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.09

Price: RMB40.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4719-5

Pages: 384

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Wadang, had ever been the editorial director of New Star Press, and serve Literature College of Ludong University now. He was called one representative of Intermediate Generation Writers, and won the Mountain Tai Literary Prize and Qilu literary Prize.


45 70后作家大系·闲花落



出版日期: 2014.10 定价: 30.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4720-1 页码: 248 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,李修文,曾获春天文学奖等多种奖项,现为湖北省作家协会副主席、武汉市文联专业作家。


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: Drifting in Wind

Author: Li Xiuwen

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.10

Price: RMB30.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4720-1

Pages: 248

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Li Xiuwen, who had won Spring Literary Prize, etc, is the professional writer of Wuhang city, and deputy chairman of Writers Association of Hubei province.


46 70后作家大系·爱情诗



出版日期: 2014.10

定价: 36.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4722-5

页码: 340 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,金仁顺,编剧电影《绿茶》、《时尚先生》、《基隆》,曾获骏马奖、庄重文文学奖、《小说月报》百花奖、中国小说双年奖、作家出版集团奖等。


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: Love Poem

Author: Jin Renshun

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.10

Price: RMB36.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4722-5

Pages: 340

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Jin Renshun, had scenarized the film such as Green Tea, Mr. Fashion and Keelung, and won Steed Prize, Zhuang Zhongwen literary Prize, Flowers Prize of Fiction Monthly Magazine, Chinese Fiction Biennial Prize, and China Writers Publishing Group Prize.


47 70后作家大系·渐行渐远



出版日期: 2014.09

定价: 40.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4724-9

页码: 384 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,娜彧,戏剧专业硕士,部分获奖作品入选《收获》、《人民文学》、《十月》、《花城》等杂志年选,小说集《薄如蝉翼》中的《蝉翼》改编为电影。为2011年中国作协21世纪文学之星。


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: Walking far gradually

Author: Na Yu

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.09

Price: RMB40.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4724-9

Pages: 384

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Na Yu, is a dramatic master, whose works were selected into many periodicals such as Harvest, People’s Literature, Octember, Flower, etc, fiction collection being adapted to the film, Cicada's Wings. And she was the 21st Century Star of China Writers Association.


48 70后作家大系·凝视玛丽娜



出版日期: 2014.09

定价: 38.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4485-9

页码: 368 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,朱文颖,著有作品多部,在同辈作家中独树一帜,被中国评论界誉为“江南那古老、绚烂、精致、纤细的文化气脉在她身上获得新的延展”。


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: Peering Marina

Author: Zhu Wenying

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2014.09

Price: RMB38.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4485-9

Pages: 368

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Zhu Wenying, has many works, being outstanding from other same rank writers. And she was praised that Chinese River South’s archaic, gorgeous, delicate, and nice cultural flavor were developed in her style.


49 70后作家大系·父亲与果园



出版日期: 2015.03

定价: 36.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4726-3

页码: 340 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者, 李云雷,中国艺术研究院副研究员、《文学理论与批评》副主编、当代文艺批评中心副主任、中国现代文学馆特聘研究员,亦从事小说创作。曾获2008年度青年批评家奖、《十月》文学奖。


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: A Father and The Orchard

Author: Li Yunlei

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2015.03

Price: RMB36.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4726-3

Pages: 340

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Li Yunlei,is  the deputy researcher of China Art Research Institute, the deputy magazine chief editor of Theory and Criticism of Literature and Art, the deputy director of Contemporary Criticism Center of Literature and Art, and the invited researcher of National Museum of Modern Chinese Literature. Also he writs, and had won Young Critic Prize in 2008, the Literary Prize of October magazine,etc.


50 70后作家大系·喂饱两匹马



出版日期: 2015.03 定价: 36.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4728-7

页码: 388 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,朱山坡,现供职广西文联,早年主要写诗,2005年开始发表小说。曾获首届郁达夫小说奖、第九届《上海文学》奖、《广西文学》奖等。


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: Feeding Fully Two Horses

Author: Zhu Shanpuo

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2015.03

Price: RMB36.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4728-7

Pages: 388

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Zhu Shanpuo,serves Guangxi province Federation of Literature and Art Circles. He wrote poems in early years, began to issue fiction since 2005, and had won the first Yu Dafu Fiction Prize, the ninth Shaihai Literature magazine Prize, Guangxi Literature magazine Prize, etc.


51 70后作家大系·拥抱至死



出版日期: 2015.03

定价: 40.00元

书号: 978-7-5329-4725-6

页码: 400 尺寸: 170*240mm

图书简介: 作为文学时代划分,70后作家形成一个“身份共同体”,50后、60后看作是“历史共同体”。 80后则是“情感共同体”,情感认同是这代人的文化特征。本系列收集代表性的70后作家的中短篇小说。本卷作者,乔叶,河南文学院专业作家,曾获庄重文文学奖、华语文学传媒大奖、《北京文学》奖、《人民文学》奖及中国原创小说年度大奖、首届锦绣文学奖、首届郁达夫小说奖、第五届鲁迅文学奖。


The Short Stories by Authors Be Born in 1970's: The Hugger Making Persons to disappear within 24 Hours

Author: Qiao Ye

Press: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art

Publication Date: 2015.03

Price: RMB40.00

ISBN: 978-7-5329-4725-6

Pages: 400

Size: 170*240mm

Brief introduction:

As an era on literature, Chinese authors born in 1970’s had formed an identity community today, which was gradually constructed on literature progress. And the authors be born in 1950’s and 1960’s were regarded as a history community. Thus, the authors be born in 1980’s made up an emotion community. The series had collected the works by the authors born in 1970’s, who have the most influence in current China. This volume’s author, Qiao Ye, is professional writer of Heinan Academy of Literature. He had won Zhuang Zhongwen literary Prize, Chinese Language Literature Media Prize, Beijing Literature magazine Prize, People’s Literature magazine Prize, Chinese Original Fiction Annual Prize, the first Jinqiu Literary Prize, the first Yu Dafu Fiction Prize, and Lu Xun Literary Prize.

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